We are pleased to announce the availability of VyprVPN for Android version 1.2. This latest release has several new features, but the feature we are most excited about is our new VyprVPN widgets. If you have never used an Android widget before, it’s an app you can place on your home or lock screen to view the status of an app and use some of its basic functions.
Our new VyprVPN widgets allow you to:
Connect and disconnect from VyprVPN
View the current VPN server location, time connected, and your public or protected VyprVPN IP address
The widgets come in two sizes. The larger 4×1 widget displays the full status information. The smaller 1×1 widget displays only the time connected. Each widget allows you to connect or disconnect from VyprVPN simply by clicking on the VyprVPN logo.
Connecting and disconnecting from VyprVPN and the current protection status are the most basic and important functions of VyprVPN Android, and that is precisely why we have made them accessible from the widgets. Once you have logged on and connected to VyprVPN for the first time, you never have to navigate back to the app unless you want change servers or account information. All of the key information is right on your home or lock screen. For more information on adding a widget to your screens, visit the VyprVPN for Android FAQ.
There are other noteworthy enhancements in version 1.2. The one we think VyprVPN users will find most useful is a new option to automatically reconnect when the VPN connect drops. This is similar to a feature we have in VyprVPN Desktop. In the settings screen, checking this option will allow VyprVPN to automatically attempt a reconnect anytime the VPN connection is dropped. After a disconnect, VyprVPN will attempt to reconnect five times. After the fifth attempt, VyprVPN will cease reconnect attempts and require a manual reconnect.
The IP address of your device is also now displayed in the application at the bottom of the screen. Prior to connecting to VyprVPN, the IP address is the public IP address of an unprotected connection. Once connected to VyprVPN, the address will change to your secured VyprVPN assigned IP.
Lastly, we have enhanced the connection status messages to provide more detailed information. If you have a slow connection or network issues, the enhanced status messages give you more detailed information on the progress of your connection.
We are pleased to announce that we have added a new VyprVPN server in Toronto, Canada! The Toronto VPN server is available for all VyprVPN protocols, including PPTP, L2TP/IPsec and OpenVPN.
For Golden Frog customers using VyprVPN Desktop, the new Toronto VPN server address is automatically available when choosing your server location. To choose the Toronto server location when using VyprVPN Mobile, simply log out of your iOS or Android app and log back in.
Customers who have manually set up VyprVPN with their operating system, please update your VyprVPN hostname to: ca1.vpn.goldenfrog.com
VyprVPN customers now have unlimited access to the following server locations:
Canada – Toronto – NEW!
United States – Austin, TX
United States – Washington, D.C.
United States – Los Angeles, CA
Netherlands – Amsterdam
France – Paris
United Kingdom – London
Germany – Frankfurt
Asia – Hong Kong
We believe that strategically placed high performance servers is a key feature and we will continue to add additional server locations throughout 2013. Tell us where you want the next server location by submitting or voting for new server locations at Golden Frog Ideas.
After months of hard work by our dev team, the wait is finally over. We are super excited to announce the release of VyprVPN for Mac! It’s included free with every VyprVPN account so download VyprVPN for Mac today!
Use VyprVPN for Mac to change your VyprVPN settings directly from the menu bar. Mac users can easily switch between protocols, server locations or configure VyprVPN settings with a single click. VyprVPN for Mac makes it simple to secure and encrypt your internet connection on your Mac computer. Skip the manual VPN setup and use VyprVPN for Mac!
Advanced Features:
Automatically connects to VyprVPN on unsecured wireless networks
Automatically detects a disconnection and prompts to reconnect
Easy access to your recent VyprVPN server locations and VPN protocols
Automatically updates new VyprVPN server locations
Automatically replaces security certificates for OpenVPN and L2TP
For iOS fans, you can also secure your internet connection on your iPhone and iPad with VyprVPN on Demand.
We recently posted Part 1 – Dump Truck Desktop of our “Welcome to Dump Truck” Blog series that covered using Dump Truck Desktop to sync files from your computer to Dump Truck. In Part 2 – Dump Truck Web App, we will cover using the Web App to access, store and share your files.
The Dump Truck Web App allows you to upload, access and share your files from any web browser. If your computer or mobile device is stolen or lost, all of your files are safely stored on Dump Truck’s servers and can be accessed anytime through a web browser. The Web App is also your headquarters for controlling how you share your files with friends and family.
Sidebar Features
The Web App was designed to be simple – yet powerful.
Web App Sidebar
Folder Directory
You can use the folder directory in the sidebar to quickly navigate your folders.
Click on “Uploads” to view the status of active and recent uploads.
For quick access to things you use the most, simply click the “Star” next to any file. It will always be one click away in the “Favorites” view.
Click on “Links” for easy access to all of your shared public links. You can view how many links are being shared on a file or how many times the file has been downloaded. You can also click on a link to manage and change permissions.
Folder Uploads Supported
The Web App makes it easy to upload an entire folder, including sub-folders. Simply choose the parent folder on your desktop and start uploading your files. You can also upload and sync files using Dump Truck Desktop.
Drag, Drop, Done
Web App Drag and Drop
Drag and drop files and folders in the Web App just like you do on your desktop computer. Use drag and drop to quickly organize your files and folders in Dump Truck.
Share with Friends and Family
Public links are a great way to share your photos, videos and files with your friends and family. Create a public link and securely share using a shortened truck.it URL or post the link to Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.
Link Security
Link Expiration Dates
Use a link expiration date to share your file or folder for a limited period of time.
Password Protection
Add a password to your link to prevent 3rd parties from accessing your files.
Link Security
Easy Link Management
See everything you are sharing in one location. View and configure link passwords, expiration dates, and labels. Track the number of downloads per link to monitor access.
We hope that Part 2 of our “Welcome to Dump Truck” blog series gets you started using the Web App to access Dump Truck from any web browser. In the next part of the series, Part 3 – Secure Sharing we will cover secure sharing using Public Links.
We have exciting news! The App Store has finally approved Dump Truck for iOS and it is now available in the App Store. You can now use Dump Truck on your iPhone or iPad to securely access your files while on the go. Or, upload your photos and videos from your iOS device and safely store them in Dump Truck.
For all of our iOS fans, thank you for patiently waiting for Dump Truck to be approved in the App Store. We hope you enjoy the new App!
Dump Truck for iOS features:
Secure access to your photos, videos and documents while on the go
Easy upload of your photos and videos from your iPhone or iPad to Dump Truck
Quick access to your favorite files while offline
Dump Truck is free to download and install on your iOS devices.
Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been busy launching Dump Truck online storage – free 5GB accounts for anyone who signs up! And we are glad to say that a lot of you have signed up! We are also pleased to see all of the VyprVPN users who are actively using Dump Truck – it’s free with every VyprVPN account. Thanks for your feedback!
Over the next month, we will publish a “Welcome to Dump Truck” blog series to introduce Dump Truck’s apps and features to everyone. In this blog post, we will cover Dump Truck Desktop – an application that allows a folder on your Mac or Windows computer to sync to your Dump Truck account.
Dump Truck Desktop is the easiest way to upload all of your files from your computer into Dump Truck. Once Dump Truck Desktop is installed, a Dump Truck folder is created for you to sync your files from your computer into Dump Truck. To upload your photos and important documents, simply move them into your Dump Truck folder and they will automatically sync and be safely stored in Dump Truck.
Sync with all your devices
Your Dump Truck folder on your desktop will mirror your Dump Truck account. If you upload a photo or video into Dump Truck from your mobile device while on the go, it will sync into your Dump Truck folder and be made available on all of your devices that have Dump Truck installed.
Access Dump Truck from the notifications trayOnce you install Dump Truck on your computer, you can use the Dump Truck icon in the task or menu bar for quick access to:
Dump Truck Web App
Your Dump Truck folder
View your available storage space
Get more storage space
Send Golden Frog your feedback
Dump Truck preferences
Dump Truck support
Download Dump Truck Desktop and start syncing all of your files into Dump Truck. It’s available on Mac and Windows.
In the next couple of days we will explore the Dump Truck Web App in Part 2 of our “Welcome to Dump Truck” blog series. The Web App allows you to access Dump Truck from any web browser, and allows you to share your files with public links. Check back soon for the next post in our blog series.
Remember, we include 5GB of FREE Dump Truck online storage with every VyprVPN account, or you can sign up here for a FREE 5GB Dump Truck account!
Last December, we announced that Dump Truck online storage would be bundled for free with every Giganews account in partnership with Giganews.
Today, we are extremely excited to announce that Dump Truck secure online storage is now publicly available! Use Dump Truck to securely store, sync and share all of your files. All current VyprVPN customers now have 5 GB of Dump Truck storage included with their account, and anybody can signup for a free 5 GB Dump Truck account from the Golden Frog website.
When we made Dump Truck available to Giganews members last year, the service included WebDAV access to your files and a basic Web App. Over the past year, the entire Golden Frog team has worked incredibly hard improve the core online storage service we delivered to Giganews members last year. We would like to thank the Giganews community for their great feedback and look forward to more feedback about the new apps.
Today, Dump Truck online storage gets even better with completely new Desktop apps, Mobile apps and re-built Web App so you can use Dump Truck on all of your devices.
After a year of non-stop development, the Dump Truck storage service now includes:
Windows and Mac desktop applications to sync your files from your desktop to Dump Truck
Android and iOS Mobile apps to view and manage your files on the go (iOS App pending App Store approval)
A completely redesigned and rebuilt Web App so you can use your web browser to access, upload and share files in your Dump Truck account.
Please remember that Dump Truck is not limited to VyprVPN customers. Anybody can sign up for a free 5 GB account on the Golden Frog website starting today! Please tell your friends and family about our free 5 GB Dump Truck account! Thank you!
Why use Dump Truck online storage?
It’s simple – you should choose Dump Truck for your storage needs because we are more focused on security than other online storage providers. Golden Frog was founded to keep the Internet free and open while respecting user privacy and security. In 2009, we launched VyprVPN Personal VPN to protect users’ Internet connections and Dump Truck is our latest service focused on privacy and security.
Why is Dump Truck more secure?
When you upload your files to Dump Truck, we are the only company who handles your data so your privacy is protected and your security is ensured. We don’t rely on 3rd parties to store your data. We own the hard drives, servers and manage our own global network so we can keep your files secure.
We also store three copies of your files using 256-bit AES encryption to ensure you always have a secure and redundant copy. When you upload or download files from Dump Truck all data is encrypted using 256-bit SSL – the same encryption level used by financial institutions. We also do not use data deduplication to inspect your files to save on storage costs, nor will we ever display ads or analyze users’ files for marketing purposes. We respect our users’ privacy and security and will never inspect your files.
Dump Truck Desktop – Sync files from your Desktop
Dump Truck files sync right to your desktop
Use Dump Truck Desktop on Windows or Mac to securely sync and store all of your files.
Dump Truck Desktop features:
Windows and Mac applications
Automatically syncs files from your desktop to Dump Truck
All your files in your Dump Truck folder on your desktop are on all of your devices
Download Dump Truck Desktop
Dump Truck Web App – Access your files from any browser
The Dump Truck Web App has been totally redesigned and rebuilt with improved performance and new features. Use the Web App to access, upload and share your files from any web browser.
Access Dump Truck from any web browser
Dump Truck Web App features:
Access files in your Dump Truck account from any web browser
Powerful sidebar folder directory for easy navigation
Upload entire folders, including sub-folders
Create and share public links to folders using passwords and expiration dates
Easy to use drag and drop to move files around in Dump Truck
Favorite files and folders to bookmark for quick access
Dump Truck Mobile Apps – Access your files while on the go
Access your files in Dump Truck on the go
Use the Dump Truck Mobile App to access and store files while on the go.
Dump Truck Mobile App features:
Android and iOS apps (iOS app pending App Store approval)
Upload photos and videos to Dump Truck from your mobile device
Access and view files stored in Dump Truck
Favorite any file for quick online or offline access
Available on Google Play and the App Store (pending App Store approval).
Anybody can sign up for a free 5 GB account on the Golden Frog website starting today! Use Dump Truck to securely store, sync and share all of your files. Please tell your friends and family about our free 5 GB Dump Truck account!
We are excited to announce the release of the VyprVPN Mobile Apps for iOS and Android devices. VyprVPN Mobile Apps are available FREE with VyprVPN Pro accounts!
VyprVPN on Demand VyprVPN on Demand for iOS
VyprVPN on Demand
VyprVPN on Demand for iOS automatically detects Internet activity on your iPhone or iPad and automatically enables VyprVPN. The app turns on VyprVPN when you need it and turns it off when you don’t. Skip the manual setup and install VyprVPN on Demand to encrypt your mobile internet connection and protect your online privacy.
VyprVPN on Demand for iOS features:
Automatically connect to VyprVPN when accessing the Internet
Encrypt your web browsing, email and iOS apps
Connect to any VyprVPN server in North America, Europe or Asia
Auto-select the VyprVPN server closest to your location
Secure your iPhone or iPad on unsecured wireless networks
Download VyprVPN on Demand from the App Store today!
VyprVPN for Android VyprVPN for Android
VyprVPN for Android
VyprVPN for Android allows you to connect to any of our global VyprVPN servers with a single tap. Install VyprVPN for Android to safely connect to any cellular or wifi network without manual setup.
VyprVPN for Android features:
Connect to any server with a single tap and encrypt email and web browsing
Choose any server in North America, Europe or Asia
Auto-select the server closest to your location
View your server location, throughput and time connected
Protect your Android device on unsecured wireless networks
Download VyprVPN for Android from Google Play today!
Requires Android 4.0 or greater
The VyprVPN Mobile Apps are free to download but require a VyprVPN Pro Account. Try VyprVPN Pro risk free or upgrade your existing service to use all the benefits of the VyprVPN Mobile Apps!
We added Windows 8 manual setup instructions for PPTP and L2TP/IPsec protocols to our VyprVPN support page. For users using the OpenVPN protocol on Windows 8, please download VyprVPN Desktop.
We also recently updated VyprVPN Desktop to include Windows 8 support. We always recommend that VyprVPN users skip the manual setup and download VyprVPN Desktop to switch freely between VyprVPN server locations and protocol with a single click.
If you prefer the manual setup, please visit our support page to view the Windows 8 manual setup instructions.
Windows 8 PPTP manual setup instructions
Windows 8 L2TP/IPsec manual setup instructions
Today, VyprVPN Desktop was updated to version 1.4. The 1.4 update includes Windows 8 support and minor bug fixes.
VyprVPN Desktop 1.4 updates:
Support for Windows 8
Minor bug fixes
You can apply this update directly from within VyprVPN 1.3 or you can download VyprVPN 1.4 directly from the Golden Frog website.
Please note that VyprVPN Desktop is currently only available for Windows. VyprVPN Desktop for Mac will be available soon!